Also serving St. Malachy's Catholic Church in Beattie, KS
Adult Faith
Designed to enrich the faith of our parishioners. Fall in love with God and set your heart on fire!
Adult Faith classes are opportunities for adults to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Throughout the year there are various Adult Faith classes. Information will be posted in the parish bulletin.
Become Catholic
RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the process by which adults are initiated into the Catholic Church. Classes begin each fall on Wednesday evenings and culminate at Easter.
Who can participate?
-- Individuals who are unbaptized and who express a desire to study Catholic Christian beliefs and practices.
-- Individuals who have been baptized in another Christian denomination and who wish to explore membership in the Catholic Church.
-- Catholics who have been baptized but who have not received the other initiation sacraments of Confirmation or Holy Eucharist.
-- Catholics who simply desire to be updated in their faith.
School of Religion (CCD)
“God loves you, dear children! This is what I want to tell you.” (Pope John-Paul II)
The School of Religion (CCD) is a religious education program for grade school age children that are not attending St. Gregory School. The classes meet on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. when school is in session.