Also serving St. Malachy's Catholic Church in Beattie, KS
Online Giving
Online giving is here! Make a one-time donation or set up recurring giving, right from your computer or smart phone!
Giving made easy. You choose any date, any amount, any time! Going to be out of town Sunday and forgot to drop off your contribution? No problem, you can set up a contribution any time from your computer or smart phone! Parishioners and non-parishioners can donate! See the Online Giving Guide for complete information.
Direct Deposit
Parishioner benefits of Direct Deposit include one time set up through the parish office, change your contributions at any time, no need to write checks, and no need to make up missed contributions as Direct Deposits are scheduled.
Direct Deposit is an additional option for contributing to St. Gregory's Church. Donations are made by automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account. It is a convenient tool for members that do not write checks, is simple to set up and manage, and reduces security risk. To start your Direct Deposit giving, complete the ACH Withdrawal Form and return to the Parish Office.
Parishioners & families are encouraged to make and honor a sacrificial pledge to God of at least 10% of their household income in gratitude for the blessings they have received.
Guidelines to follow for giving are 5% to our parish as general parish support, 1% to the Archbishop's Call to Share, and 4% to our parish or other charitable causes. Ways to give include weekly collection through envelopes or ACH, participating in annual fundraisers, considering an end-of-year gift or memorial to the school, using Amazon Smile when ordering from Amazon, and collecting and turning in Box Tops for Education.
Planned Giving
For long term giving and estate planning, consider Planned Giving.
Planned giving is sometimes referred to as gift planning or legacy giving. It is a way to support the church that enables individuals to make larger gifts than they could make from ordinary income. Some planned gifts provide life-long income, while other gift plans use estate and tax planning to provide for the church and heirs in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize its impact on the donor's estate. More information is available at